
Italian Trulli

Earn money online

Top 10 paid to click websites
Italian Trulli

here is the list of online sites that help to earn money

1. HeedYou

HeedYou is a PTC site that pays you for clicking ads and completing offers. It has a low payout threshold and is available globally. But the rewards are just to low to really make it worth it.

2. CashTravel

CashTravel is an online advertising website that allows its members to, either earn money or be able to promote their websites.

3. neobux

It is a GPT (get-paid-to) site that offers several ways to earn. But it is often listed as a PTC (Paid-to-Click) site.

4. successbux

SuccessBux is a GPT site, started in 2012. As all GPT sites, It offers money to complete tasks like viewing ads, paid offers and so on.

5. buxinside

Buxinside is a free worldwide service available in a multi-language environment.Buxinside users surf on the advertiser's advertisements and view it during the amount of time specified by the advertiser.

6. paidverts

Paidverts is a PTC (paid-to-click) site with a twist. Instead of the usual system that's been done before, Paidverts uses a points system to reward loyal users with higher-paying ads. Some even say you can make $1, $2, and more just for clicking a single ad.

7. indiaclix is a Pay to click website from where we can make money by Viewing Advertisements, Contests and Referrals.

8. instaptc

InstaPTC is a PTC and advertising platform for advertisers. It offers the opportunity to make money without investing.

9. ojooo

Ojooo Wad is designed for two groups of people with one being the advertisers and one being people like you who are looking for ways to make money online.

10. adzbazar

AdzBazar is an international online advertising platform that allows its members to either earn money by viewing ads or by promoting their own advertisements on the website.

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Italian Trulli

i made this blog to express my interest in medieval and contemporary art